6163 Cliffside Rd

Amarillo, TX 79124

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6163 Cliffside Rd

Amarillo, TX 79124

Give us a call!

Perforated 8½” x 11″ eTags & Self-Stick eTag Bags


SKU: Perforated 8½"x11" Tags & Self Stick Bags Category:


Equal amount of Tags and Bags. Our full 8½”x11″ perforated and pre-drilled sheet of 67 lb Vellum. This is the minimum thickness to fit Texas DMV specifications. Packaged with equal amount of our top of the line Self Stick Bags. The bag that will not fly in the air while the vehicle is moving. Save yourself and your customers a traffic ticket for an eTag that is floating unreadable in the air.

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